Elder Edgels wisdom:

Elder Edgel's wisdom: I knew God was a Heavenly Father who loved me beyond anything I could ever imagine and was going to do His best to help me along.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Creator of everything has our back.

WOO HOO!!!! Momma's goin' huntin!!! Make sure you eat your fill of liver, talk like a hick, and don't shower. I'm so happy for Pops. Everyone's going hunting with him! I'm sure this has been his dream for so long. I am so incredibly happy to hear that. That sounds so fun. I can't wait to do that with the fam. But it might not be happening when I get home haha. We'll hope. Dad, I laughed at your comment about how you wish there was just a little bit more room haha. So true of human nature.

I'm really glad you're able to get a lot done and be productive. To be honest... I miss Mexico sometimes more than home hahaha. I'll have dreams of Mexico and being with the Velazquez's again. But no I'm healthy and fine.

I'm getting transferred out of Rangely. I'm really disheartened about that. I built this area up from the dust when all we were given was 4 hangout spots. I made so many friends. I want to be here and see their progression. But I know I'll feel the same wherever I go.
There was one 20 year old girl who has been really out of the church but has an amazing testimony and really opened up to us. She's really progressed in amazing ways. She's thinking about serving a mission. There's the eternigator, Brother. We don't feel the Spirit with us when we teach them so we've felt impressed to stop teaching them. But they wanted us to come by so we did. He really opened up to us. He focuses too much and being able to do miracles and thinks that's the sign of having God in your life. But we talked about how when he was able to do neat things he didn't feel the Spirit or comfort in doing it. And how it's so much more important to focus yourself to God's will. He was touched. I want to see he and his wife's progression. A 16 year old that was forced catholic and turned to God and started seeing more LDS things in his life so decided to meet with us. Such a neat honest seeker. This kids gets it. I want to see his baptism. So many people that I've loved. One guy we have to teach from scratch. It feels like teaching a lamanite that doesn't even know what God is. He's a true honest seeker. Believes we all make up God. We explained premortal. He truly understands how we shouldn't know everything because it would be too easy. It's really cool.

Because I'm leaving I bore my testimony to a few people about the urgency of the Gospel. Then I realized, why don't I always do this? It only helps people. I'm learning a lot about wholly relying on God. Another powerful thing for me, is  I'm having a lot of aha moments of realizing that THIS Gospel is IT. THIS is why we're here on earth. Sin is SOOOOOOOO stupid!!!! This isn't just a thing that's kinda cool and will help you and does good stuff for people. But it's truly IT! GOD is the one and only. We exist because we lived with God and He loves us and wants us to return. He gave us the Gospel to do that. This is what everyone is looking for. No matter how content they may seem in their beliefs. It's truly amazing.

The Gospel is literally God sticking His Hand out to us to ensure our getting back. If you're looking for peace, confirmation that you're doing it right, and satisfaction out of life, AND want to have eternal happiness, become dedicated to the Gospel. Take up a new determination to follow even more. It won't be easy, but it will definitely be infinitely better when the

Creator of everything has our back.

I love you all so much. I'm so glad to hear of your happiness. Thank you for all your prayers. I hope you're all doing well. I'm learning a lot. I'm being humbled but I'm learning a lot haha.

Much love,

Elder Edgel

1 comment:

  1. it is nice to hear that you are having a good time! - riccarda (germany)
