Elder Edgels wisdom:

Elder Edgel's wisdom: I knew God was a Heavenly Father who loved me beyond anything I could ever imagine and was going to do His best to help me along.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Faith-full mission

It's been a growing and humbling week. We still didn't get much proselyting in I'm really excited to work so much harder. There's so much faith being spread around our mission I love it. Our mission set the goal of 1081 baptisms and 1081 reactivations this year. That's one baptism and reactivation per month per companionship. That's estimated to be 90 each per month. But our President added the 1 to help us always remember the importance of the one. That it's not about numbers but individual lives that are changed and brought to the Savior. There was the question in a lot of our minds whether it was realistic or not. I came to the conclusion that the only thing that is not realistic is our own personal doubt and lack of faith. With God everything is possible. Through faith the sons of Mosiah converted thousands to the Lord when the Lamanites hated the righteous. That was definitely not realistic but through God it was made possible.

We had our Zone Conference on Wednesday and our assistants trained us on putting people on date in the first lesson. I'm extremely excited to see how this will go. I know it's so possible.

Thursday I went on my third exchange with Elder Clubb! He was in a former zone of mine and he's now the district leader and doing a great job. Friday we had 40 minutes to weekly plan and then President called us in to his home just to interview us which was good but was a bummer to be away from the work for that long. Saturday we had a three hour companionship inventory We talked about how we both have attributes to teach and help each other with. He's very good with missionaries and helping and gaining their trust and lifting the missionaries he has stewardship over.

We had three great lessons on Saturday. We taught Lenny our recent convert with Brother Triplet our Ward mission leader who is a boss teacher and fellowshipped. He also came with us to Natasha who admitted she's starting to feel guilt for smoking weed and wants to quit now. They have to postpone her baptism because Ben needs to become worthy enough to baptize her but he's met with the Bishop and Stake President and is on his way. Then we taught Adam our new investigator who had been taught formally and set him on a date for baptism. He's 12 and is on probation so we'll see where he goes but we're excited. He's a great kid but his mom doesn't like the church.

Yesterday we taught another recently new investigator named Austin. He's 15 and has a desire to follow God. His dad is not a member but has read all of the standard works and wanted to make sure that his son did as well. We'll get him to join our lessons eventually.

After Elder Rhoades and mine comp inventory and our interview with President it left me really thirsting after becoming the best leader I can so that I can help as many people as possible. It was really humbling for the both of us. President didn't call us in for any specific reason but talking with him made me thirsty after being the best I can. Elder Rhoades shared with me his 5 month vision that he made during a study for the rest of his mission and confided in me to keep him accountable. He's such a saint and a good missionary. I'm really excited to see what we can do the rest of this transfer together.

I love you all!

-Elder Edgel

No opportunity like being a missionary

This week I got to see the Medalens twice! They live in the zone so when I was on exchanges with those missionaries we went to go see them. It was so nice to see how amazing they're doing. Steven is a worthy priesthood holder and husband and father. Leanne is a member and you can feel so much more peace between them. Kaleigh and Yazzmina are still joined at the hip and great member missionaries at school and have gone through the temple for baptisms for the dead. While waiting for everyone to get home Kaleigh went tracking with us and it was so special to hear her bear her testimony about praying to know this is true. Oumiama was 17 last time I was here and is now 19 even though it's only been about 10 months... Muslim girls only know what year they're born and guess how old they are pretty much. But she received her Patriarchal blessing on Sunday and is serving a mission in a year so is going out with the Sister Missionaries. Luke told me about how he was at the pool thinking about being baptized and then felt the Spirit so strong telling him he needed to be baptized as well. Such a saint. David hasn't joined yet but Steven has high hopes for him. Tali lives with her grandma is doing amazing.

I also got to serve with my Southerner MTC convert missionary companion from Kentucky, Elder Rafferty. It was awesome working with him. We got mean remarks from the people and slammed doors all day long and I was impressed with his love and patience regardless.

It's been a rough week for sure but everything is getting better. It's kind of a shock after coming from Delta where things were never better. It was the best time of my life and best transfer of my mission so far. I can't wait to make this transfer and next transfer the same way.

Proselyting time has been very limited this week with doctor appointments and zone leader stuffs to do. One day we got a total of 20 minutes to proselyte... The roads were exceptionally backed up with the slippery snow. I thought for sure that this week we would have all the time in the world for proselyting but how wrong I was. So a lot of learning to accept God's will and looking for little ways to share the Gospel when I can. I've learned a lot on how to move past mistakes, worry about things I can control, how to righteously influence others and share my opinions, how to be happy with what I have and how to loose myself more fully in the work.

Last night Elder Rhoades and I were talking and he shared the interesting insight on how we will never get this opportunity again. There will never be anything like what we're doing ever again. Not even a senior mission will be the same. Not even being an 70 or Apostle will be the same going out everyday to knock doors and teach non members everyday about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's a small window of opportunity that we get as young men and young women to do this. It's amazing to me how the Lord puts the future of his Gospel and church in the hands of the young men and women of his church. He calls the weak. I don't know of any business or corporation or cult or other religion that can successfully do that. If the church wasn't true the missionaries would have ruined it by now. But God qualifies those he calls. He makes weak things become strong to show forth His power and that He is able to do His own work. Despite how immature, how unlearned, how foolish, how lazy, how pushy, how crazy we may be, He puts it in our hands along with his utmost confidence. Man I wish I could do exactly this in the future for a second time.

I love you all to the moon and back!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Address

Elder Edgel
10555 W. Jewell Ave Apt 20-107
Lakewood, CO 80232

Taught by Elder Bednar

Got to teach Ben and Natasha about faith. They are just doing so amazing. They go to church every week but she's out of town for work for a week or two. Her baptismal date is Feb 14th and Ben is going to baptize her! Tuesday we had our District Leader and Sister Training Leader and of course us, counsel. For future purposes DLC's. We also had zone meeting right after. I definitely did not feel prepared enough for either of them but they were a success. President and Sister Murdock joined our zone meeting and of course made it powerful. I felt so honored to have him with us. They gave powerful testimonies. Our goal for this year is to baptize 1081 people and reactivate 1081 also. So this zone meeting's theme was faith. That's a little daunting of a goal. That's 90 per month, a baptism per companionship per month. We had a great object lesson of a pinnate in the middle of the gym really hi with "1081" on it. Then we wheeled out a step ladder, smashed the piƱata with awesome gourmet goodies including a baptism kit with holy water haha. Then the elder that climbed it trust fell into the elders to show his faith in us haha. Then Wednesday I was on exchanges with the Assistants and WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!!!!!! It was the most amazing thing ever!!! It so rejuvenating with all the stress of coming over here. Elder Jacobson beat me in handing out Book of Mormons so I have to bathe with just a dish towel. We also went to a district meeting. Thursday we did a lot of finding with only one awesome new investigator who's husband made her drop us. Darn agency stealers!!!!

Friday we got to hear from Elder. David A. Bednar from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. A Special witness of the Savior Jesus Christ. It was SOOOO amazing!!! The most spiritually drained I've ever been. Also most powerful meeting I've ever been in my whole life. Zone meetings and MLC's get me pretty drained but that was the most. I was listening to every word. I felt like he had a spiritual bow and arrow up there and kept shooting it right at my heart! It was just an open discussion about the three talks he had us study and then allowed us to ask RELATIVE question and gave answers. Such a strengthened testimony that these man are truly men called of God. He both answered our questions by helping us find it for ourselves, taught us powerful principles through the questions, taught us how to find answers on our own and how to teach others by helping them to find it for themselves. He has so much love for people. He's truly a prophet, seer and revelator. No man can teach and do what he did that evening. It amazed me the love that he has for people. He is stern but very loving. At the end we all stood to sing Called to Serve. During it though, he and the other general authorities remained sitting. Right before the prayer he asked us, "are you ready to learn? We can only teach if you're willing to learn?" Then told us the need to watch the General Authorities very closely and if we do, then we can never wrong. He meant that to mean a whole lot more than when to sit and when to stand though by the way he taught it.

Saturday exchanges with Elder Jensen! My third with him! I've gone on exchanges with him before in Grand Junction. We saw a ton of miracles. We set high goals of 5 lessons and 4 new investigators and accomplished them! Also attended Elder Rafferty's district meeting. MY MTC COMPANION!!!! I'm so proud of that guy and the ways he's changed. Sunday we had our meeting with the stake president. So lots and lots of meetings! But things have been really great. I also feel so clear minded and peaceful when I'm out working and getting doors slammed in my face haha.

I love you all! There is so much more to this church than I've realized. There's a lot more than just a good organization of people. There's a lot more than just the church that's true!

-Elder Edgel

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Miracles abound


It is hard to be gone from Delta and Elder Aiono and Elder King. Ironically my three most favorite companions are all serving together in one of my most favorite areas. Elder Donovan got released from being an Assistant and is now serving with them.

I'm in Denver now!! I thought that I would be. It's got pros and cons. I'll be able to go to the temple 2 times this transfer AND hear from and meet Elder Bednar!! He's only going to Denver so half the missionaries won't be able to hear from him but I'll be a part of those lucky few.

I'm in the Lakewood zone in the Lakewood area serving with Elder Rhoades and Elder Robbinson. Elder Rhoades is a powerful leader and an effective lifter and loves everyone around him. I'll be able to learn a lot from. He gets things done and makes a difference in his zones and what he has stewardship over. He's a born leader. Elder Robbinson has been out for 5 months and is very kind hearted. I look forward to learning a lot from these Elders.

We haven't been able to get much done this week. ): I wanna cry my eyes out. I've gotten minimal proselyting time in. Sunday night after saying goodbye to so many people in Delta we got a text from the Assistants saying that the highway was too bad and that we'd have to postpone transfers to Thursday!!! I was really excited for that. I got to say teach some people for the last time. Mandy's lesson was powerful. I told her how she reminds me of my mom and explained what you had gone through and where you were in life before the missionaries came. She shook her head in agreement haha. She feels confused and lost and doesn't know where she's going. The Spirit was strong. I know she'll be baptized. Hopefully she makes her date of Jan 31. Carl said that he knew I was a real friend to him and that "best friends don't need to say goodbye. They only need to say see you later" I love that guy a ton. He thanked us for putting up with him and his resistants, defensiveness, excuses, questions and heated disagreements. He said that he knows he'll be baptized soon because he's "running out of excuses" So Excited for him. I almost cried last Sunday when I said goodbye to Christian. But then I got to play basketball with him on Monday and then teach him on Tuesday and then also play basketball New Years Eve since we couldn't work in the evening. Saying goodbye I pointed to the font and said, "remember to get to there" and he said he would one day. He also had the date of Jan 31st. Hopefully he makes that. We read with the kids of the Yarbroughs and I got to testify to all of them the power of the Book of Mormon and they and the parents loved it. They felt the Spirit. Hopefully after these 10 years they'll finally get baptized. They were pretty excited for their baptismal date of Feb 21.

Transfers lasted allllllllll day long driving from Grand Junction to Denver in the blizzard and backed up traffic. Then Mission Leadership Council alllllllll day on Friday. no weekly planning. Then planning for the zone for the transfer allllllll weeeeeeeeekkk. It's been a huge bummer.

The one lesson I taught here has been amazing. Natasha and Ben. Elder Rhoades and his former companion Elder Hewlitt have been teaching them for 2 months. He's a member and she's investigating. They taught the law of Chastity on Wednesday night (the night Elder Hewlitt would have been gone because of exchanges) and it was the most powerful lesson they've had. They said they might be married in April though so they were bummed. We walked in and she asked "does anything look different about us?" There was a fat ring on her finger! 2 hours after the lesson he proposed and 2 days later they were married so that she can be baptized sooner!!!!! Miracles abound!!!! I've never felt so much love for people all at once for the first time like them.

I love you all!!!

-Elder Edgel