I loved loved loved my packages! The turkey was hilarious! Best momma ever. Momma's are so important. They take care of their babies better than anyone around. It's amazing to think of the infinite bond between a mother and her children. To think that the heavenly principle of infinite love has truly touched here on earth in our families is mind blowing. You truly see God's Hand in everything as a missionary haha.
The ward had their primary program. The ward is tiny and so is the primary. Some kids were missing so they had two ladies that were converts and never got to be in a primary program to fill their place. It was really sweet and hilarious. One lady said that everything she was told to read was an answer to her prayers. She was very touched when she read a part on families that said "I pray for them to happy in eternity" it was really sweet.
We had interviews with president and got some one on one time. That was really really awesome. I chewed him out for making me a DL haha. Then he humbled me with a few words of why he called me...
My companion is weird. It's no mystery haha. I love him to death. I don't really get that annoyed with him that much though. I honestly do love him and regard him as anyone else. But I won't beat around the bush in that he's weird. I've thought a lot about that and on whether it's my job to accept him or make him normal. And I've come to the conclusion of both. More accept than anything. But we as missionaries are very most definitely supposed to be mature and professional. So it's been happy for me to realize that yes, I can teach him maturity and acting his age and it isn't wrong of me. I am learning through him to not care about what other people think.
I'm in the Spirit of Christmas finally. I gave in. With all this snow and lights here and there, and a dinner where our host sang "Do you see what I see?" I just caved in.
My companion while chasing after a girl at night (I explained to him how we don't chase after girls after dark) to share the Gospel saw that his efforts were about to be wasted in catching up to her. So in a last ditch effort he purposely fell off the path into snow with a dramatic "Ahhh!" In hope of getting her attention. (I explained to him how we don't bare false witness).
Here's some spiritual stuff. Our investigator wanted to be baptized in March. So we had a lesson to explain to him how we felt by the Spirit he was ready for the 10th. I read Mosiah 18 (little something I learned with Golden and Reel) and Elder Dean spoke more than he ever has. Our sketchy ward mission leader didn't go off into deep doctrine and the investigator said he felt excited to be baptized the 30 of November. That's been very exciting. The biggest thing I learned this week is to teach very simply. To trust in the Spirit enough to completely let go of all the things I think are right because I can do them and start from scratch and completely trusting in him. I don't need all this luggage to hike Mt. Charleston. All I need a little day pack with maybe a few BoM's and enough snacks and water to carry me over and I'll be just fine. I feel so humble in this. I must completely rely on the Spirit to be successful.
I know success isn't measure by numbers and large quantities of baptisms but I want to be like those in the Scriptures because I know their true. I want to be able to walk around a lake and in 3 hours have 16 people on date to be baptized and 14 follow through. (a true story from a MTC instructor) not to be high and mighty and show how cool I am, but to really dedicate myself to the Lord and make a difference. And leadership have better not get in my way of teaching! I'm still working on gaining a testimony of leadership....
I love you all so very much! I always feel the Spirit when I write home. I get so excited about sharing my experiences with the Spirit with you all. I know it's true.
-Elder Edgel
Elder Edgels wisdom:
Elder Edgel's wisdom: I knew God was a Heavenly Father who loved me beyond anything I could ever imagine and was going to do His best to help me along.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Elder Edgels moms baptism
On November 1, 1980 Patti Pickard was baptised by Elder Robison & Elder Lamb. Best Decision of her life!!!
Investigator bonding
Every Sunday after church we go to Fred's and cook everyone waffles, eggs and bacon. It's amazing for investigators and less actives bonding with members. It's expensive and the Sandliens all do it themselves but they love it. Members will chip in and bring something already cooked. It's good because it's not too big. It's just a few members, ward mission leader, usually bishop and the missionaries so it's more intimate.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
If you want to grow, be happy.
Oh man I love my mommy. I love that you tell me the quotes. I love my past comp, Elder Buhecker a ton. We got along fantastic. I am younger in both mission age and actual age so their were a lot of things that I would ask him that were pretty obvious and so I do understand his frustration at some times. But I loved that kid. I've started saying "two shakes of a fist" and winking at people because of him haha.
My training is going well actually. I was very excited and maybe even a little prideful that I was so young and also training. It was very very humbling. The stress and hardship of a mission has hit me smack in the face. It's all on me. I don't have a companion to lean on. It's time to be my own man and be responsible. I love the learning. Even the hardships. I won't be negative or detailed but so you know this past week was the darkest time of my mission and maybe even my life. Not normal hardship. A whole new level. But my companion is such an example and help. I would not be surviving if it weren't for him.
The amazing thing about our loving Heavenly Father is how perfectly patient He is. That's what I've learned this past week. Every attribute revolves around His love for us. One thing that He does is let us figure things out for ourselves. He doesn't give us the answers right away ever. He doesn't take away our problems ever without us accomplishing things. In my darkest days, in my most sincere prayers, the only help and answer that I get from Him is, "Patience, learn to be a man, be strong, learn." It's frustrating sometimes when you're in real pain. The most real pain you've ever felt before. But He needs us to learn. He needs us to experience things otherwise it's in vain.
Everyone and especially missionaries and even more especially myself, want the answer right away. They want to know how to do things right away. I would absolutely LOVE to have one of the three Nephites as a companion and just learn everything from him that I need to in order to be a perfect missionary. But it's so crucially important that we learn in order to our pace, and God will answer our questions according to how ready we are. One tip I've learned is, in order to be more ready for the answers, inspiration and revelation; be happy. Focus on what the Atonement has done for you. Focus on what the good things God has done for us. Remember. Then you will be filled with such greater desire than ever before. Don't look at the things as a checklist and a bother to have to learn how to do them all. Look at them as a great way to learn and grow and be happy, to do your best to accomplish them. That's what I've learned. So I do love that you've learned that the Spirit will teach us even though nobody does. That's the best teaching ever that we could receive. That's another reason why we can't take it upon ourselves to correct people and tell them how it's down. All we can do is encourage them to have the desire and trust in them to learn for themselves. That's the best way that they can learn. Just love and trust.
My companion Elder Dean is awesome. He's 19 from Tennessee. He's a timid guy and asks a lot of obvious questions but I wasn't too far from that myself. He's extremely sincere. I was so excited to have a greenie because they always are excited and extremely sincere. He will talk to ANYBODY. It may be extremely awkward most of the time but he will do it. And that's all anyone can ask. He's going to learn lot and be a great teacher. He has a great desire to learn.
Me encanta las mexicans! I'm so glad to hear you feeding a ton of missionaries and doing temple service. My parents are the best. Keep that up.
Also, I'm uh, district leader too apparently for my district here. I'm the youngest in actual age (only 18 year old) and the leader. That was stressful. I didn't find out till the day of transfers. In the packet it said, "thank you for accepting the call to be a district leader." Too often people think leadership is a sign of being all that. I'm nobody, lemme tell ya. Our first district meeting was good though. I had everyone introduce themselves with their name, POO (place of origin) biggest thing learned on a mission and biggest thing they want to learn. They were all kinda, "what? that's too deep! Can't we just say our favorite color or something?" But it brought the Spirit in strong and helped me to love them all even more. We have 6 elders & 4 sisters.
I love you so much. Each and everyone of you are in my prayers. Take care, be happy, be teachable.
My training is going well actually. I was very excited and maybe even a little prideful that I was so young and also training. It was very very humbling. The stress and hardship of a mission has hit me smack in the face. It's all on me. I don't have a companion to lean on. It's time to be my own man and be responsible. I love the learning. Even the hardships. I won't be negative or detailed but so you know this past week was the darkest time of my mission and maybe even my life. Not normal hardship. A whole new level. But my companion is such an example and help. I would not be surviving if it weren't for him.
The amazing thing about our loving Heavenly Father is how perfectly patient He is. That's what I've learned this past week. Every attribute revolves around His love for us. One thing that He does is let us figure things out for ourselves. He doesn't give us the answers right away ever. He doesn't take away our problems ever without us accomplishing things. In my darkest days, in my most sincere prayers, the only help and answer that I get from Him is, "Patience, learn to be a man, be strong, learn." It's frustrating sometimes when you're in real pain. The most real pain you've ever felt before. But He needs us to learn. He needs us to experience things otherwise it's in vain.
Everyone and especially missionaries and even more especially myself, want the answer right away. They want to know how to do things right away. I would absolutely LOVE to have one of the three Nephites as a companion and just learn everything from him that I need to in order to be a perfect missionary. But it's so crucially important that we learn in order to our pace, and God will answer our questions according to how ready we are. One tip I've learned is, in order to be more ready for the answers, inspiration and revelation; be happy. Focus on what the Atonement has done for you. Focus on what the good things God has done for us. Remember. Then you will be filled with such greater desire than ever before. Don't look at the things as a checklist and a bother to have to learn how to do them all. Look at them as a great way to learn and grow and be happy, to do your best to accomplish them. That's what I've learned. So I do love that you've learned that the Spirit will teach us even though nobody does. That's the best teaching ever that we could receive. That's another reason why we can't take it upon ourselves to correct people and tell them how it's down. All we can do is encourage them to have the desire and trust in them to learn for themselves. That's the best way that they can learn. Just love and trust.
My companion Elder Dean is awesome. He's 19 from Tennessee. He's a timid guy and asks a lot of obvious questions but I wasn't too far from that myself. He's extremely sincere. I was so excited to have a greenie because they always are excited and extremely sincere. He will talk to ANYBODY. It may be extremely awkward most of the time but he will do it. And that's all anyone can ask. He's going to learn lot and be a great teacher. He has a great desire to learn.
Me encanta las mexicans! I'm so glad to hear you feeding a ton of missionaries and doing temple service. My parents are the best. Keep that up.
Also, I'm uh, district leader too apparently for my district here. I'm the youngest in actual age (only 18 year old) and the leader. That was stressful. I didn't find out till the day of transfers. In the packet it said, "thank you for accepting the call to be a district leader." Too often people think leadership is a sign of being all that. I'm nobody, lemme tell ya. Our first district meeting was good though. I had everyone introduce themselves with their name, POO (place of origin) biggest thing learned on a mission and biggest thing they want to learn. They were all kinda, "what? that's too deep! Can't we just say our favorite color or something?" But it brought the Spirit in strong and helped me to love them all even more. We have 6 elders & 4 sisters.
I love you so much. Each and everyone of you are in my prayers. Take care, be happy, be teachable.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Letter to Dad
Thanks so much for the support, dad. I love being a missionary. I want to be one for the rest of my life. I love that our Stake is so focused on missionary work. A marvelous work is truly coming forth. It's so amazing that I actually get to be a part of it. I truly feel God's love for me in allowing me and trusting me to be a part of the missionary force.
The temple is so cool! I'm so happy for you guys. We only go to the temple if we're on the metro side (Denver) but we're out West in the mountains. Which I wouldn't trade a thing for! But going to the temple would be nice... That's so cool Dave is taken his Father's place. Frank did give me mine. That guy is awesome. They both are.
I love you Dad! I think often of what you guys have done for me. I love you so much.
-Elder Edgel
The temple is so cool! I'm so happy for you guys. We only go to the temple if we're on the metro side (Denver) but we're out West in the mountains. Which I wouldn't trade a thing for! But going to the temple would be nice... That's so cool Dave is taken his Father's place. Frank did give me mine. That guy is awesome. They both are.
I love you Dad! I think often of what you guys have done for me. I love you so much.
-Elder Edgel
3rd Transfer & training
Mommy! You are the goodliest parent ever! Make sure you do not edit this out of my blog. Every sentence of this paragraph. MY PARENTS ARE THE BEST!! They're the goodliest of the goodly!
I'm training. Tell my foster parents. My greenie is currently here in Colorado and the mission home in Denver. I will meet him tomorrow. I'm really excited to train! I always knew I would. I've always been thinking about the things I would do if I were training. The things I would want him to know. When you're in training you get an extra hour of study, so just when I thought we could start going outside and proselyting, I still get that hour of study haha. But it's good. My companion is leaving. He's really frustrated and bummed about it. He's loved it here and has grown so close to everyone. He's great at being good friends with people. This will be the 3rd time in a row that he's been in an area for only one transfer. So he's really bummed. I'll miss him too. He was a great companion and taught me confidence a lot.
We drove down to a training in Grand Junction with President. My pops is also training again. This will be his 3rd trainer in a row in 3 transfers. He's poppin em out! It was good to be with him again. He always just whispers tid bits of wisdom during trainings to me that prove to be pretty helpful. In the training with just the trainers he told us the reason he calls missionaries to train is because they're obedient, hard working and spirit filled. That was refreshing to hear. President Atkinson (dad's cousin) had me come up and read something and told everyone I was his cousin and his middle name was Edgel. That was pretty cool. Two other of the missionaries that came out with me are training. Amazing things are happening in the mission. 8 areas are being white washed. The record was 2. 5 areas are opening up. The two areas I've been in so far I white washed and opened. It's been really cool to be apart of.
Dad, what's your indian tribe and name? What's Jeremy's?
One day a guy was outside his friends house with a joint in one hand and a drink in the other. The Jehova Witness's walked by him but didn't talk to him. So as they walked by he said, "The Mormons are more right than you guys." As they looked really confused at him. I busted up laughing when he told us that. That guys gets to the heart of my humor.
This week has been hard. These WEEKS have been hard on numbers. We got up there but we've come back down. We're going to have to really push it this next transfer with my new greenie. We're going to get things DONE. We need some greenie fire. President had all the missionaries do a 24 hour fast for the people in their area to be softened, for members to have courage to bear testimony, for us to be faithful and obedient and to have a baptism by Dec 16 and rescure a less active. But as a desire of our heart. Not out of obligation. So it's been good. I do feel very good things will come out of it.
I love this work. I'm going to be pushing myself harder than ever this next transfer. Thanks for all your prayers. Missionaries are so blessed to get so many prayers. Every temple in every sessions everywhere prayers for the missionaries.
The snow is finally sticking! We've been in so many almost accidents! It's been so amazing hahaha. Just an hour ago we actualy had just got our car pushed out of a ditch. I want to blame my companion since he was driving but I could be no better haha.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me and is going to help us get our numbers up. He's going to be there for me because he was there for my parents in their darkest times. The darkness always ends. And how bright it does get in the day! Not just bright enough to see your way away slowly, but to see EVERYTHING.
I love you momma. I will do this with strength.
Your baby,
Elder Edgel
I'm training. Tell my foster parents. My greenie is currently here in Colorado and the mission home in Denver. I will meet him tomorrow. I'm really excited to train! I always knew I would. I've always been thinking about the things I would do if I were training. The things I would want him to know. When you're in training you get an extra hour of study, so just when I thought we could start going outside and proselyting, I still get that hour of study haha. But it's good. My companion is leaving. He's really frustrated and bummed about it. He's loved it here and has grown so close to everyone. He's great at being good friends with people. This will be the 3rd time in a row that he's been in an area for only one transfer. So he's really bummed. I'll miss him too. He was a great companion and taught me confidence a lot.
We drove down to a training in Grand Junction with President. My pops is also training again. This will be his 3rd trainer in a row in 3 transfers. He's poppin em out! It was good to be with him again. He always just whispers tid bits of wisdom during trainings to me that prove to be pretty helpful. In the training with just the trainers he told us the reason he calls missionaries to train is because they're obedient, hard working and spirit filled. That was refreshing to hear. President Atkinson (dad's cousin) had me come up and read something and told everyone I was his cousin and his middle name was Edgel. That was pretty cool. Two other of the missionaries that came out with me are training. Amazing things are happening in the mission. 8 areas are being white washed. The record was 2. 5 areas are opening up. The two areas I've been in so far I white washed and opened. It's been really cool to be apart of.
Dad, what's your indian tribe and name? What's Jeremy's?
One day a guy was outside his friends house with a joint in one hand and a drink in the other. The Jehova Witness's walked by him but didn't talk to him. So as they walked by he said, "The Mormons are more right than you guys." As they looked really confused at him. I busted up laughing when he told us that. That guys gets to the heart of my humor.
This week has been hard. These WEEKS have been hard on numbers. We got up there but we've come back down. We're going to have to really push it this next transfer with my new greenie. We're going to get things DONE. We need some greenie fire. President had all the missionaries do a 24 hour fast for the people in their area to be softened, for members to have courage to bear testimony, for us to be faithful and obedient and to have a baptism by Dec 16 and rescure a less active. But as a desire of our heart. Not out of obligation. So it's been good. I do feel very good things will come out of it.
I love this work. I'm going to be pushing myself harder than ever this next transfer. Thanks for all your prayers. Missionaries are so blessed to get so many prayers. Every temple in every sessions everywhere prayers for the missionaries.
The snow is finally sticking! We've been in so many almost accidents! It's been so amazing hahaha. Just an hour ago we actualy had just got our car pushed out of a ditch. I want to blame my companion since he was driving but I could be no better haha.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me and is going to help us get our numbers up. He's going to be there for me because he was there for my parents in their darkest times. The darkness always ends. And how bright it does get in the day! Not just bright enough to see your way away slowly, but to see EVERYTHING.
I love you momma. I will do this with strength.
Your baby,
Elder Edgel
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