Yeup. I've never heard of church canceling. I thought rain or snow church would continue but apparently if 8 inches comes down Denver shuts down. If Steamboat did that they would never have church haha.
We had an alright week. Lots of meetings so that's that. Interviews with President. I drifted into the parking lot and had no idea that he was still in his car and he pulled me into his car and gave me a very sharp rebuking and said I send a message of total disobedience to my missionaries when I do that. It was very sharp haha. But we have a good relationship and we laughed it off in our interview. He emailed me today and apologized if he was too stern but I needed the reminder to not be light minded.
We didn't find any new investigators :( My least favorite thing. I LOVE finding. We did see a ton of miracles. And I was able to find on exchanges in other areas. On one awesome exchange we found 3 new investigators and both are extremely solid. A couple and a guy who's wife is pregnant so she couldn't join the lesson. But the first couple texted us that night and said they were grateful to have met us and went over to their member friends that reffered us and that we mentioned and said they set up a time to get together with them and invited us. HAVE YOU EVER HAD AN INVESTIGATOR THAT SETS UP LESSONS WITH MEMBERS?!?! The other guy was sooo prepared. He kept saying how much he wanted to learn and accepted a baptismal date in the first lesson. Miracles are everywhere!
Serving in Highlands Ranch is growing on me. It's the richest zone in the mission and I've always had a bad taste of rich white people. It's been humbling to see how good of hearts are here in the ranch. Very sincere, giving, loving, hard working people are here. It's the highest functioning stake in the mission. All the members are amazing and magnify their callings.
Desmon got baptized!! I got here 2 weeks before his baptismal date and it's been great seeing his excitement for baptism from the previous missionaries teaching him.
With Church canceled we set up 3 way splits and got a ton of work done.
I love you all!! It gets better and better here in the Ranch.
In our mission whenever you didn't have the best week in numbers but feel guilty and want to improve you say "we had a building week". But we did have a great week. We gave our best and this week we'll do even better.
I had the awesome blessing of serving with one of my past comps again whom I served with in Foothills for two transfers. I haven't laughed that hard in one day in a long time. We had a really good talk the whole day on loosing ourselves in the work. We had a powerful evening at his missionary correlation. His ward mission leader reviews the goals and the need to find and basically reiterated everything I had said the entire day..
Elder Pikula and myself realized that we're both not very good at focusing and that together we're easily distracted so we've been working on being better focused this week. Yesterday we were on time to every single appointment!! A mile stone of us haha.
We met an awesome lady named Big Mama. She's the mom of Andrew, our investigator. In the middle of the lesson she came home and at first we were afraid she wouldn't like us but she LOVED us before even talking to us. This lady is so in tune with the Spirit and God even though she's rambunctious or as she says "a pitbull". She's not into churches but when she feels the Spirit we're confident that she'll jump right on board. Unfortunately we couldn't teach her since she's not YSA. Andrew is way cool. We've taught him 3 times and he's accepted a baptismal date for March.
We found a guy a little while back and now we're teaching his brother. They also have a sister that's YSA age so we could baptize a family of YSA!
We tracted into a lady who was a little reluctant to let us in at first but later confessed she was a member and felt it was inspired that we came by. She's not YSA isn't interested in coming back but she's at least one step closer!
Kameron is doing amazing. The missionaries started teaching him a week or two before I got there and he's progressed a ton. He's completely clean and living the Word of Wisdom, is way more mature and way more responsible. There is a distinct difference in him.
My thought in closing is the power in selflessness. If I've learned anything my mission that will change my life forever it's the power of selflessness. I've been having a lot of questions lately that I've wondered about frequently. Finally the thought came that I wasn't even going to worry about it anymore and I was just going to work my absolute hardest till I could get it. Then once I lost myself in the work the answers to those questions came.
I love you all!